The Genius of Football : Maradona ( IX )

Diego just acquiring fun in the football area.


  1. questo è il vero maradona mannaggia se giocava cosi con il napoli aeiiiiiiii maradona better than pele

  2. They talk about zidane’s ball control, but just tell me how would you describe maradona’s control with his back heel after a long pass in the 1:42 minute ?. Awesome is nothing but short.

  3. Pablo…viste 2 de los muchos mejores goles de tiro libre del Diego en vivo!!! impresionante lo tuyo. Saludos!

  4. No tenés , o podés conseguir un gol que le hizo en el 79 a Resto del Mundo, en river, con Leao de arquero? Y uno de tiro libre a Ecuador x la copa América 87, también en river? Estuve en esos dos partidos. Saludos.

  5. 1:34 c’è una palla forte carica di effetto fai un sombrero è la cosa bella che ti riesce maròòòòòòòò

  6. I totally agree with you diegoAmaradona that’s why I said it was more like a tribute video and because of the song.

  7. This is a video I made two weeks ago and I decided to upload it because a friend of mine who loves the song which is dedicated to diego.

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