Diego Maradona the genius.One of my previous videos of this football star, new clips of him.
Video clip Rating: four / five
Diego Maradona the genius.One of my previous videos of this football star, new clips of him.
Video clip Rating: four / five
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Maradona was the Ronaldinho of his time, no doubt!
sin duda maradona es el mejor de todos los tiempos y gracias por el futbol saludos desde huamachuco – peru
En la historia del futbol diego es el mejor:para mi 1 diego,2 johan,3riquelme.4best,5pele
@BELOMARA7360 napoli 2 maglia
@disagol no te hagas problema loco, el Diego es el mejor de todos los tiempos sin discusion, y tus videos estan geniales, segui asi, saludos desde Hasenkamp-Entre Rios.
@wallyabb Gran futbolista? que futbol viste flaco? Grandes futbolistas son ronaldinho, ronaldo, messi, kaka, beckam, zidane, etc. Diego fue y es un Dios dentro del campo de juego. Aun no entiendo a la gente que juzga a Diego por haber tomado cocaina, si a alguno de esos se le asoma la idea de que alguna vez necesito drogas para salir a una cancha es porque evidenemente no entienden nada de futbol, ni de diego, ni de deporte. Y si el Tema de la bersuit ya es un dolor de huevos.
El gol del 1:17,.. en que equipo juega Diego? Alguien lo sabe?..
0.44 what a goal that would have been
El unico, el mas grande de todos.
the best ever.
maradona better than pele
A mi tambien me hace gracia la jugada, tres tipos con Diego y a cada cual mas desconcertado…eso si, el centro no lo mete mal, no?
1:01…….seria todo
Diego is GOD!
maradona is the greatest and best soccer player ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
si tan solo tuviera la mitad, q mitad, un cuarto del talento q tenia Diego……….
por favor q jugadooorrr!!
1:44 desde 80 metros!!! geniooooooo!!
11:Ze Roberto and R.Carlos:Maradona without doubt was the greatest
12:Bearzot:Maradona is football
13:Sacchi on sky:Maradona is player the best in the world
14:Baggio:Maradona dream players all
15:Gentile:Maradona better than Pelè
16:Boscov:Maradona cannot be compared
17:Sivori:maradona the best in the world
18:Cantona:Maradona is art.The greatest
19:Eusebio:Maradona was the greatest
20:Maldini:Maradona is Maradona.
Maradona is the greatest
The Genius of Football: Maradona is the beast
Chico !
Tu tienes 17 anos……porque no opinas de Playstation or telefonos celulares.
Quotes on Maradona
1. Zidane: the greatest ever
2: Careca: admiteas was far better than pele
3: Bobby Charlton: the greatest footballer
4: Gullit: he was from another world
5: Marco van basten: the greATEST footballer ever
6: ex manager of england bobby robson: hate him or love him he was the greatest player of all time.
7: Zola: he was the god of football
8: Ronaldhino: hes was my idol and greatest
9: won player of the century at fifa awards 2000
10:C.Ronaldo the greatest
11:Ze Roberto and R.Carlos:Maradona without doubt was the greatest
12:Bearzot:Maradona is football
13:Sacchi on sky:Maradona is player the best in the world
14:Baggio:Maradona dream players all
15:Gentile:Maradona better than Pelè
16:Boscov:Maradona cannot be compared
17:Sivori:maradona the best in the world
18:Cantona:Maradona is art.The greatest
19:Eusebio:Maradona was the greatest
20:Maldini:Maradona is Maradona.